30 weeks!
Just a few things I want to remember about our time with you in my belly.
- Baby boy, you are a constant mover and shaker…and kicker and elbow-er.
- Except, of course, the minute someone wants to feel you. You are still as a stone. I can almost hear you snicker in there.
- I daydream often then I find my hand rubbing my belly. You dreambaby you.
- Sometimes you get all wiggly like a critter, making my belly shake really fast.
- You kick your Daddy when we snuggle. Letting him know that I’m all yours.
- Tiny baby feet and hands use my ribs as monkey bars.
- At any hour during the night you are wide awake in there, reminding me that you are growing just fine, even while I’m asleep.
- My dad’s voice in my head at all times telling me to “take it easy" and "relax”. Good advice, Pops!
- I try on everything in my closet and Jared stays as near as possible because he knows I’m destined to cry any minute.
- And oh how quick he is with encouragement, a kiss on my cheek, and one on my belly that make me happy as a lark about my growing belly.
- I stare at baby boys out in public and think ‘wow he is so cute’
- And yes, I do know that you will be cuter.
- I can’t remember a time that you weren’t in my belly. You were always there, weren’t you?
- It is so obvious to us that you are God’s plan.
- We are incredibly amazed at how prepared God has made us for you.
- You are already part of our family. We love you, our sweet boy. Our sweet August.
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