I will start by saying, I have failed at many pinterest desserts. They usually call for ingredients that I don't have on hand which leads me to google substitutions or just improvise with what I think will work. I fail because I am no expert and don't know the first thing about the difference between baking powder and baking soda. But that does not keep me from trying. Poor Jared. That is, poor Jared, until I found this easy peasy, all the right ingredients on-hand, if I can do it you can do it, chocolate chip cookie recipe. Happy Jared. I know I'm totally late to the game of chocolate chip cookies from scratch. I'm sure your grandmother's mother's neighbor's aunt has a recipe that you and everyone else in your family knows by heart. But just in case, here's a recipe that I found via pinterest that will knock your spouse's socks off and make your toddler sing your praises. Assuming you have both a spouse and a toddler. If you don't and you wa