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8am & Tippy Toes, too

I had the thought to do a photo every hour yesterday. I started at 8am. I quit at 8am. Don’t ya know, if I did do a photo every hour, it would just be 10 of the same blurry photos of a drooling baby face. Plus my lens would need a good cleaning. So here, here is our 8am. And that’s that.

Oh! Except here’s a picture I did manage to snap. And snap, it’s good! So good that Jared spent a good five minutes last night eyes-watering up, eyebrows all furrowed, smile painted across his face, holding his hand over his heart: “Jenna! The tippy toes! Jenna! Oh my word! The tippy toes! Jenna! When did he find out about tippy toes? Oh my word!”

