Friday is here! We are spending our weekend moving into our little dream house. Moving with an 11 month old helper is tricky. He wants to be held. Then he wants to help you unpack the box you are packing. Then he wants to throw loose Cheerios in the box because we better not forget those. Yesterday, we parented up and learned if we took turns: one of us holding the boy and the other running boxes down three flights of stairs; we’d make a lot more progress. So that’s what we did. And my calves have been saying curse words at me ever since.
But oh boy, our new place is worth all the work! It has lots of windows that already have baby hand prints all over them. And stairs that my tiny little baby mastered by the end of the first day. Baby gates, we are coming for you. And lots of neighbor kids that shout, “HEY GUS!” when they see us. Popular baby. And it has a neighborhood cat that roams around outside. Gus likes to roar at him and the cat will meow back and I’m pretty sure it’s the highlight of both of their days.
We are all very happy about our new home. Just yesterday Jared came back from the car and told me, ”Jenna, there are literally birds circling outside singing songs. Like I wouldn’t be surprised if they flew through this door and started making you a dress from these curtains”. <3
I am completely stoked about having a yard and a neighborhood and a park around the corner and about being biking distance from Jared’s work. But mostly, I’m just over the moon that I get to share it with these two. They are my world.
These pictures were taken at our old place weeks ago. I’ll post pictures of our new home soon. Right now just imagine scattered boxes, make do curtains, and half of stuff still at our old apartment.
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